The total possible things that could be missed in a model or drawing for a machined component are too many to list, Here is an easy way to uncover all the little errors made and things missed in the model and details of your drawing.
(This is also a great method to reproduce every time if you are checking someone's work)
Here are some tips on how to perform robust checking of the model to the drawing.
Simplify your model tree.
Balloon the drawing by assigning each dimension with a number
Open the model, progress though the feature tree and create screen shots of each feature. Compare the features dimensions to the ballooned drawing
Tip 1: The above listed steps often highlight flaws in the feature tree and design intent logic. Oder of operations, function of the part, and how each feature relates to the others become clearer using this process. The model should be corrected before checking continues..
This tip below will proactively keep you from 90% of the most common errors in a model.
Tip 2: Build your model like a machinist would make it. Start with a rough overall shape and make cuts until you are left with the desired geometry.
*Be kind to your future self...DO NOT be afraid of remodeling your part once the design is complete
Rule of thumb: Spit features up by operation. Build your model so anyone could open it, progress themselves through the feature tree, and see what you were thinking clearly.
Bonus! Here are some vids on blueprint reading. They have some good information from a machinist’s perspective.